Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Progress Report

Today's post is just a simple progress report, but there is beauty in the practical things.  I want to keep this here so that one day our children can go back and review this journey they likely won't remember as being a big deal.  They won't know until later in their lives that this decision, and the journey that ensued, was the lynchpin that changed the course of our lives as a family.

Patrick has been incredibly strong through this whole process.  He started a modified diet 6 weeks before surgery date.  He focused on a high protein diet, with low carbs and moderate fats, cutting sugar from his diet.  He knew he had to lose about 20 pounds to be able to go to Mexico and get the surgery, because the O.R. table had a 500 lb. weight limit, and he weighed 518.6 before he started diet changes.  Ten days before surgery he went to a clear liquid only diet.  The doctor only required five days of clear liquids, but he wanted to make sure he achieved the purpose of the fast, and have his liver at a reduced size in anticipation of surgery.  A smaller liver simply means an easier procedure.  The day of surgery was a total fast from everything, and he received all nourishment through IV that day. Then, 24 hours after surgery he was given ice chips and slowly, throughout the day, reintroduced a few more clear liquids (sugar free ice pops, water, broth, sugar free jello).  The main jobs at this point were to walk and nap.  He continued this clear liquid diet ten days post surgery, for a grand total of 20 days of clear liquids.  The Tuesday before surgery, he weighed in again, just to make sure he was under the 500 lb. weight limit.  Using the four weeks of high protein and ten days clear liquid diet, he weighed in at 492, for a loss of 26.6 pounds before surgery.  After surgery, and the continued liquid diet, he posted a weight of 471 eight days post op-a 21 lb. loss in 8 days!  He was very tired, and needed frequent rest and naps.  I reminded him to rest, as he was taking in less than 50 calories a day, and recovering from surgery.  His biggest job, to me, was to hydrate.  I know he got tired of me telling him to keep drinking water.  It was a struggle, as the stomach was small, and he had to sip so slowly, or it was painful, but hydration aids our healing.  It allows cells to repair themselves.  And he needed to heal completely.

After he completed his ten days of clear liquids this past Sunday, he was ready to introduce protein again in the from of protein shakes, low fat yogurt, and fat free milk.  He will continue these in addition to jello, sugar free popsicles, natural fruit bars, and chicken broth until Friday, when he can start adding purees to his diet.

He continues to have an incredible attitude, never complaining when the family eats in front of him.  I ask him if he feels hungry, and he says he's never hungry.  He has to make himself take in the required amounts of protein and water for each day, sipping slowly, being intentional about ingesting things healthful to his healing process.

Even with his reduced energy, I've seen an increase in so many things.  I've already seen him helping more, and I hope he knows these things aren't going unnoticed.  He cleaned off a table without prompting. When we went to Sam's last week, and he picked up a bunch of flowers for me.  He knows I love fresh flowers, but I know he detests buying them for me, because they die.  But he loves me enough to occasionally overlook his annoyance with flowers.

One day last week, he was going to the store to get a couple of things, and Zoe asked to go with him.  He readily agreed and they headed to the car, and when Charis came unglued at the thought of not getting to go to the store with Daddy, he took her along, too.  This blessed my heart to no end.  I knew taking the girls meant a lot of extra work and time for what should have been a quick errand.  They were gone for awhile.  When they came home, my sweet girls were glowing with the joy of having spent time with their Daddy.  They came with the things I asked for, and a couple of extras for his little ladies.  It meant the world to them.  And to me.  He met my need for a few household things, but more than that, he helped.  He didn't complain.  I didn't even have to ask.  He took it upon himself, and that...was worth more than words can say.  He loved me my way.  It's what we always talk about, but it's such a beautiful sight when it happens without prompting.  I've always known he loves me completely, but he's begun to have the energy to love me by helping more.  And it is completely refreshing. 

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