I've recently come to a place of new contentedness. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I have been struggling within myself to lay aside the desires I have in my heart, and let God have those things. I've been in a place of "carrying on" for awhile - just existing and doing the things I have to, and being very tired - for a very long time. So I felt a change was needed. I decided to start getting up early when school started back for me two weeks ago to get in some exercise. I knew if I wanted change, I had to take the first step. Now, in order for you to understand the significance of this decision, you have to understand that I HATE getting up early! I need a full eight hours of sleep to feel decent, and more than that to feel good! So, getting up at 5A.M. to get even 20 minutes of exercise is HUGE for me. I would daresay it is a miracle from God that I would WANT to get up that early! I've been faithful for two weeks now, and I would not say that I have a ton more energy, but that I feel more purposeful in the morning. It MAKES me have quiet time with the Lord, and in those times, I've realized that I don't have to have all of the things I thought I "needed" to change in order to be content. Really, nothing had to change except my heart attitude.
Being content comes out of my reaction to my present situation, as well as trusting God to take care of the dreams I've entrusted Him with. So, I'm trusting...again learning to be content in an ever changing season...believing that my heart's desires aren't forgotten. For now, I am blooming where I've been planted - giving my all to the tasks and people God has placed in my world for now. Even if life never seems optimal for what I originally envisioned, I know that God's plan is still exactly His best for me. My dreams don't have to be put on hold for my agenda to line up...I just need to step out in faith!
My recent journey has brought me back to what has become my life scripture; Philippians 4:12-13. It says, "I know what is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through him who gives me strength." My whole life so far has been an intensive study in becoming content in any and every situation. Just when I think I have it...we have another lesson, harder than the last! I have decided that living a life content leads to a fullness that I could never have imagined.
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