Today I'm feeling a little sentimental...I've been cleaning up and packing things away that we don't use, which means cleaning out closets! Packing away clothes too small made me realize how quickly Elijah is growing up. The bassinette is waiting to be put into storage; a tub of little clothes waits to be put away. Today was, for some reason, the most bittersweet. I was cleaning the kitchen and decided to go ahead and give the high chair a really good scrubbing. Realizing my growing baby is full of independence, I know he doesn't need the high chair any more, so I put it with the things to go into storage. For some reason, that was the hardest.
I think I had planned on leaving it in the house until we had another baby, but with that plan changing, and being very much out of my grasp right now, I have to move on with life. So putting away the high chair is, for me, acceptance of a detour in my plan and realizing that God has something different for our family for right now. I have to daily surrender my plan and relinquish my disappointment. My new goal in this season is making the most of where He has us, and learning all that I can. That doesn't mean burying my struggle; on the contrary, it means embracing what I'm learning and opening my heart to whatever may be next. I know full well that I'm not the one in charge, and I am daily reminded of that through this journey. I am at His mercy. Thankfully, I know that His mercy will be enough and His plan will be fulfilled - even when I have to pack my plans up and put them away. Sometimes, that's what it takes for God to start unpacking and move in to completely take over.